Illustration of a Striped Surgeon Fish (Acanthurus Lineatus)
Illustration of a Brown Surgeonfish (Acanthurus Nigrofuscus)
Illustration of Flagfin Angelfish (Apolemichthy Trimaculatus)
Illustration of a Bullethead Parrotfish (Chlorurus Spilurus)
Illustration of a 3D coastline showing mountains to open ocean
Illustration of a 3D coastline with mountains to open ocean and upwelling
Illustration of Pocillopora meandrina (Cauliflower Coral)
Illustration of Wedge-tail Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus Rectangulus)
Illustration of a 3D watershed with braided river, continental islands, coral reef, and beach
Illustration of a 3D watershed with river mouth, continental islands, coral reef, and beach