Illustration of Bairdiella chrysoura (American Silver Perch)
A 2D cross-section of US topography, from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean
Illustration of a barrier island coast with microtidal, wave-dominated energy. The morphology shows an flood-tidal delta, recurved spit, washover fans, "wash-around", closed inlet, tidal inlets, tidal creeks, and saltmarsh
Illustration of a barrier island coast with mixed (wave & tide) energy. The morphology shows an ebb-tidal delta, a drumstick barrier island, tidal inlets, tidal creeks, and saltmarsh
Illustration of a modified shoreline
Illustration of a 3D coastline showing mountains to open ocean
Illustration of a 3D coastline with mountains to open ocean and upwelling
Illustration of Esox niger (Chain Pickerel)
Illustration of an estuary with a braided river mouth
Triptych comparison of a river mouth, showing a pristine environment (left) with subsequent sediment, nutrients, and toxin inputs leading to an unhealthy and unproductive environment with a hardened shoreline (right)
Comparison illustration of sea level rise in an estuary, showing shoreline erosion, immersion, and changes within the river mouth
Illustration of glacial lake base with deltaic deposits and terminal morraine
Illustration of lake base with perched lake and dune contact lake
Illustration of lake base with perched lake and water table window
Illustration of lake base with stratified water column in epilimnion and hypolimnion
Illustration of lake cross sectional base with turbidite and laminations