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Pickleweed is an invasive or introduced plant in Hawaii. It has succulent, brilliant green leaves and is common in salt marshes and tidal shorelines. It grows slowly in soils with high salt concentrations and areas with seawater overwash where it suffers little competition from other plants. The species manages salts by sequestering them in cell vacuoles and eventually shedding the leaves

Batis maritima (Pickleweed)

Pickleweed is an invasive or introduced plant in Hawaii. It has succulent, brilliant green leaves and is common in salt marshes and tidal shorelines. It grows slowly in soils with high salt concentrations and areas with seawater overwash where it suffers little competition from other plants. The species manages salts by sequestering them in cell vacuoles and eventually shedding the leaves

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Batis maritima (Pickleweed)

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