Illustration of bleached Acropora cervicornis (antler coral)
Illustration of Acropora cervicornis (Staghorn Coral)
Illustration of Acropora palmata (Elkhorn Coral)
Illustration of Acropora palmata (Elkhorn Coral)
Illustration of a Catostylus Mosaicus (Jelly Blubber)
Illustration of Heliopora coerulea (Blue Coral), which is so named as the skeleton is blue. It is classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN due to overharvesting for the aquarium industry
Illustration showing a plate coral that has been preyed upon by a Crown of Thorns starfish
Illustration of Platygyra spp., a brain coral
Illustration of Pocillopora meandrina (Cauliflower Coral)
Illustration of bleached Porites lobata (lobe coral)
Illustration of Tubastrea spp. (Sun Coral)
Illustration of Tubastrea (Sun Coral)