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A marine protected area is a zone designated as a no-fishing or limited fishing or harvest area. This is a resource management practice that may be used when the marine resources are at risk due to human and natural activities such as over-fishing, habitat destruction, invasive species, and/or climate change

Marine protected area

A marine protected area is a zone designated as a no-fishing or limited fishing or harvest area. This is a resource management practice that may be used when the marine resources are at risk due to human and natural activities such as over-fishing, habitat destruction, invasive species, and/or climate change

IAN Symbols

Marine protected area

The queen conch is an important cultural and economic resource for Caribbean countries, but populations are in decline due primarily to overfishing and poaching

Strombus gigas (Queen Conch)

The queen conch is an important cultural and economic resource for Caribbean countries, but populations are in decline due primarily to overfishing and poaching

IAN Symbols

Strombus gigas (Queen Conch)

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