Forest Sandalwood

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Front view illustration of a Freycinet Sandalwood, endemic to the Hawaiian islands. It is found in the mesic to dry forests of O'ahu. The fragrant wood of this shrub or small tree has history as a significant trade commodity through the mid 19th century. Ancient Hawaiians also used the wood, bark and leaves

Santalum freycinetianum (Freycinet Sandalwood)

Front view illustration of a Freycinet Sandalwood, endemic to the Hawaiian islands. It is found in the mesic to dry forests of O'ahu. The fragrant wood of this shrub or small tree has history as a significant trade commodity through the mid 19th century. Ancient Hawaiians also used the wood, bark and leaves

IAN Symbols

Santalum freycinetianum (Freycinet Sandalwood)

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