Herpestes javanicus (Small Asian Mongoose)

Fauna - Mammals

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Native to India, introduced to Hawaii Island in 1883 (via Jamaica, where it was also introduced), then introduced to Maui, Molokai, and Oahu; none were introduced on the island of Kauai. Mongoose were imported by the sugar industry to control rats in cane fields. This infamous mistake was made without much knowledge about mongoose. Mongoose, which are active during the day, did not control the rats because the rats are primarily active at night

Herpestes javanicus (Small Asian Mongoose)

Native to India, introduced to Hawaii Island in 1883 (via Jamaica, where it was also introduced), then introduced to Maui, Molokai, and Oahu; none were introduced on the island of Kauai. Mongoose were imported by the sugar industry to control rats in cane fields. This infamous mistake was made without much knowledge about mongoose. Mongoose, which are active during the day, did not control the rats because the rats are primarily active at night

IAN Symbols

Herpestes javanicus (Small Asian Mongoose)

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