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An icon representing a computer screen displaying a Chesapeake Bay map

Computer map icon

An icon representing a computer screen displaying a Chesapeake Bay map

IAN Symbols

Computer map icon

An icon representing data being expressed and shared

Data display icon

An icon representing data being expressed and shared

IAN Symbols

Data display icon

Often located in remote sites, US field stations rely on telecommunications to stay connected to their institutions. Field stations often offer classes, to students or the public, as well as conduct scientific research

Field station

Often located in remote sites, US field stations rely on telecommunications to stay connected to their institutions. Field stations often offer classes, to students or the public, as well as conduct scientific research

IAN Symbols

Field station

An icon representing graduates

Graduates icon

An icon representing graduates

IAN Symbols

Graduates icon

An icon representing learning or thinking

Knowledge icon

An icon representing learning or thinking

IAN Symbols

Knowledge icon

An icon representing new ideas and innovation

New ideas icon

An icon representing new ideas and innovation

IAN Symbols

New ideas icon

Illustration of a teacher with folder


Illustration of a teacher with folder

IAN Symbols


Illustration of tour boat used on Chilika Lake, a brackish water lagoon spread over the Puri, Khurda and Ganjam districts of Odisha state on the east coast of India.

Tour boat (India)

Illustration of tour boat used on Chilika Lake, a brackish water lagoon spread over the Puri, Khurda and Ganjam districts of Odisha state on the east coast of India.

IAN Symbols

Tour boat (India)

Illustration of a university building


Illustration of a university building

IAN Symbols


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