Illustration of Chesapeake Bay Observing System (CBOS) buoy
Illustration of coastline base with sand dune system gradient from sea level to berm, frontal dune, and inner barrier system
Illustration of coastline base with sand dune system gradient from sea level to berm, frontal dune, and inner barrier system
Illustration of coastline base with sand dune gradient from sea level to berm, frontal dune, outer barrier system, lagoon, and inner barrier system
Illustration of coastline base with sand dune gradient from sea level to berm, frontal dune, outer barrier system, lagoon, and inner barrier system
Illustration of coastline base with sand dune gradient from sea level to berm, frontal dune, outer barrier system, lagoon, and inner barrier system
Illustration of a 3D coastline with barrier island and lagoon system
Illustration of plains base with mountains, aquifer, and braided river system
Illustration of plains base with mountains, aquifer, sandstone outcrop, and cave system
Illustration of portable sub-bottom profiling system SB-216S
Illustration of a house with an underground septic system draining to groundwater
Illustration of a septic system with a rectangular tank and incoming and outgoing pipes
Illustration of a cylindrical tank with pipes leaving it
Illustration of weighing scales with equal balance