Monitoring: salt marsh nekton survey

Human - Science, Research

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Illustration of a scientist conducting research while snorkelling

Research Snorkeller

Illustration of a scientist conducting research while snorkelling

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Research Snorkeller

One of the oldest handcrafts of African origin in the United States is the hand-woven winnowing sieve, a shallow basket that was used during the Colonia Era to separate the rice seed from its chaff. Made from indigenous bulrush, sweetgrass is a strong yet supple marsh grass that thrives in the sandy soil of the coastal regions of the US South Atlantic

Gullah sweetgrass basket

One of the oldest handcrafts of African origin in the United States is the hand-woven winnowing sieve, a shallow basket that was used during the Colonia Era to separate the rice seed from its chaff. Made from indigenous bulrush, sweetgrass is a strong yet supple marsh grass that thrives in the sandy soil of the coastal regions of the US South Atlantic

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Gullah sweetgrass basket

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