Illustration of a barrier island coast with microtidal, wave-dominated energy. The morphology shows an flood-tidal delta, recurved spit, washover fans, "wash-around", closed inlet, tidal inlets, tidal creeks, and saltmarsh
Illustration of a barrier island coast with mixed (wave & tide) energy. The morphology shows an ebb-tidal delta, a drumstick barrier island, tidal inlets, tidal creeks, and saltmarsh
Illustration of a 3D coastline showing mountains to open ocean
Illustration of a 3D coastline with mountains to open ocean and upwelling
Illustration of an estuary with a braided river mouth
Triptych comparison of a river mouth, showing a pristine environment (left) with subsequent sediment, nutrients, and toxin inputs leading to an unhealthy and unproductive environment with a hardened shoreline (right)
Comparison illustration of sea level rise in an estuary, showing shoreline erosion, immersion, and changes within the river mouth
Illustration of a 3D watershed with braided river, continental islands, coral reef, and beach
Illustration of a 3D watershed with river mouth, continental islands, coral reef, and beach