Illustration of Acridotheres tristis (Common Myna), which is an invasive pest in South Africa, North America, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand and many Pacific islands as it out-competes native hollow-nesting bird species
Illustration of Aegolius acadicus (Northern Saw-whet Owl)
Illustration of Agelaius phoeniceus (Red-winged Blackbird)
A side view of a Seaside Sparrow
A side view of a Nelson's Sparrow. Nelson's sparrow and the saltmarsh sparrow were considered to be a single species, the sharp-tailed sparrow; because of this it was briefly known as Nelson's sharp-tailed sparrow
Illustration of Anas penelope (Eurasian Wigeon)
Illustration of Anas rubripes (American Black Duck)
Illustration of Anseranas semipalmata (Magpie Goose)
A waterbird species found in coastal northern Australia. The adult Magpie goose has black and white feathers, a long neck and a cranial knob (smaller in females). They also have orange legs with partly webbed feet, and a red beak with a white hook on the end which assists them in probing for food. The Northern Territory holds the largest populations and breeding areas of the Magpie goose with an estimated population of over 2 million individuals
Illustration of Aptenodytes forsteri (Emperor Penguin)
Illustration of Ardea Herodias (Great Blue Heron)
Illustration of Branta bernicla (Atlantic Brant Goose)
Illustration of Branta canadensis (Canada Goose)
Illustration of Buteo lineatus (Red-shouldered Hawk)
Illustration of Buteo rufinus (Long-legged Buzzard)
Illustration of Calidris ferruginea (Curlew Sandpiper)
Illustration of Cardinalis cardinalis (Northern Cardinal)
Illustration of Catharus bicknelli (Bicknell's Thrush)
Illustration of Charadrius melodus (Piping Plover)
Illustration of Charadrius melodus (Piping Plover) 2
Illustration of Charadrius montanus (Mountain Plover)
Illustration of Coccyzus americanus (Yellow-billed Cuckoo)
Illustration of Coccyzus minor (Mangrove Cuckoo)
Illustration of Cygnus buccinator (Trumpeter Swan)
Illustration of Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra)
Illustration of a Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica Cerulea)
Illustration of Dendroica discolor (Prairie Warbler)