Applying shadow, bevel and other effects

Easily add special effects and create sophisticated drawings by applying shadows or bevel to your shapes.

Applying effects

To apply an effect to a shape:

  • Select a shape, click on the + icon on Effects properties and select an effect.
Effects menu
Effects menu

There are 5 effects to chose from namely:

  • Drop shadow
  • Inner shadow
  • Bevel
  • Blur
  • Glow

 See also 

Drop shadow

Drop shadow settings
Drop shadow settings

To apply a shadow to any shape:

  • Select a shape
  • Click on the + icon on Effects properties and select Drop shadow

Modify your shadow by tweaking these settings:

  • Size represent the size of the area covered by the shadow.

  • Offset X and Offset Y offsets the shadow in X and Y direction.

  • Color controls the shadow color.

  • Opacity controls the transparency of the shadow.

Drop shadow example
Drop shadow example

Inner shadow

Inner shadow is similar to drop shadow but is applied to the inside of the shape, and is often used to give a sense of depth to the shape.

Inner shadow example
Inner shadow example

Settings for inner shadow are the same as drop shadow.

 See also 


Bevel settings
Bevel settings

A bevel effect adds 3D depth to a graphic or text object by making its edges appear sloped.

Tweak your bevel effect by modifying these settings:

  • Depth represent the depth of the bevel.

  • Sharpness controls the sharpness of the bevel.

  • Color controls the bevel color.

Bevel example
Bevel example


Blur settings
Blur settings

Blur effect is a common and popular way to hide certain elements within the drawing or blurred background, producing crafty drawing.

Tweak your blur effect by modifying these setting:

  • Size represents the size of the blur area.
Blur example
Blur example


Glow settings
Glow settings

To make the shape or even text glowing can use the glow effect.

Tweak your glow effect by modifying these settings:

  • Size represent the size of glow area.

  • Color controls the glow color.

  • Opacity controls the transparency of the glow.

Glow example
Glow example

Deleting an effect

To delete an effect:

  • Select the shape, then go to Effects property and click on trash bin icon.

Effect on text

Text block tool
Text block tool

To add an effect to your text, simply select a shape, click on text block tool and apply effect. Early Access